with Moe Provencher
“we’re gonna feel it….together.”
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from Nov-May.
Photo by Niffer Calderwood
10/02/18 - Get to know host Moe Provencher as she shares an overview of her grief experiences and explains the impetus for starting the podcast. Featuring the music of Seattle musicians Julia Massey and MoZo.
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
11/20/18 - Moe chats with her 84yo uncle Laval about some different ways to experience grief, her new tattoo inspired by a French motto of his, finding the confidence to be ourselves, and the human capacity to learn and grow.
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
Music in this episode by Sera Cahoone.
1/1/19 - Mexican-born filmmaker David Llama talks with Moe about grieving the militarization of the US/Mexico border, the difficult realities of walking around the US as a green card carrying Mexican, and small ways to make the world a better place.
Check out David’s work at
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
2/19/19 - The second in a two-part series, Molly, Cat, and Carrie Biell talk about their experiences as young children when their mom went blind. There are lessons about resilience, the powerful bond that siblings share, and we also manage to use a fart metaphor to discuss the importance of not minimizing one's own suffering.
Listen on iTunes or Stitcher
Music in this episode by Moon Palace.
Theme music is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
3/19/19 - Poet, poetic tarot reader, and embodied writing coach afrose fatima ahmed chats with Moe about the sudden death of afrose's sister Afifa, the tangle of emotions that traumatic loss brings, and the incredible poem that came from moving through the grieving process.
Music in this episode by Carrie Biell. Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
Read the poem Season's Grievings:
Support afrose and receive poetic gifts at
Support Julia Massey:
5/7/19 - Poet and capoeira practitioner Santiago Vega shares about losing a beloved, the mental and physical aspects of capoeira, insomnia, and the mind/body connection.
Music in this episode by Sera Cahoone. Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
10/16/18 - Seattle-based musician, mom, and all-around badass woman Julia Massey talks with Moe about the death of Julia's dad 20 years earlier, her 3.5yo son, and everything in between. Theme music by Julia Massey, episode music by Sera Cahoone.
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
12/4/18 - Seattle-based comedian, storyteller, and weirdo Emmett Montgomery chats with Moe. They discuss grieving their bodies after rapid weight loss, how comedy is a way to observe and make sense of changes in your life, and the death of Emmett's cat Walter and how he managed to shift all of the Walter jokes after losing him.
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey. Music in this episode composed by Sera Cahoone.
1/15/19 - Dancer, photographer, organizer, and and all-around storyteller Jordan Compton chats with Moe. They explore the mental health dimensions of grief, and specifically how OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) precipitated Jordan’s loss of a potential career in ballet.
3/5/19 - Musician and performer of small miracles Yva Las Vegass has a conversation with Moe 18 years in the making. They talk about the grief of racism, smoking crack as relief, music, and the things in between.
Buy Yva's album: I Was Born in a Place of Sunshine and the Smell of Ripe Mangoes
Theme music is “A Bit of a Hard Time” by Julia Massey.
Support Julia Massey:
4/2/19 - Musician Levi Fuller talks with Moe about Dead Friends; how reactions to loss are complicated, the expectations we have depending on "how close" you were, the problems with having to rate friendships and categorize grief, and the many ways to memorialize loved ones.
Music in this episode from the album Colossal by Levi Fuller.
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
Julia Massey:
5/21/19 - The final episode of Season One is a retrospective that includes a handful of bonus excerpts from half a dozen guests from the inaugural season.
Music in this episode by Sera Cahoone. Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
11/06/18 - Author and Alchemist Imani Sims sits down with Moe. They talk loss of religious faith, the intricacies of navigating relationships as a queer black woman, and the opportunities for rebirth that grieving sometimes gives us.
Support Imani Sims
Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.
12/18/18 - Moe talks with Kilam Tel Aviv: Seattle poet, community activist, art enthusiast, and financial analyst. They explore the impact of a long-term relationship breakup, how promiscuity can often be a by-product of grief, and how the process of grieving shapes who we are.
Theme music is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey
2/5/19 - Janie McDermott shares her grief of going blind in her early thirties, as a Deaf woman with three young daughters and divorce looming on the horizon.
Music in this episode by Moon Palace. Theme music for the series is “A Bit of A Hard Time” by Julia Massey.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
3/18/19 - Episode 11 drops tomorrow! Moe talks with poet afrose fatima ahmed about the sudden death of her sister Afifa, and an incredible poem afrose wrote years into the aftermath of that trauma, called Season's Grievings. Here's a sneak peek of that episode, you'll hear afrose reading it aloud.
Read the poem Season's Grievings:
Support afrose and receive poetic gifts at
4/16/19 - Brazilian native and LMHC Paula Pessotto talks with Moe about Brazil, existential phenomenology, dancing, and more.
Music in this episode by Carrie Biell. Theme music for the series is "A Bit of a Hard Time" by Julia Massey.